Wednesday, June 14, 2017


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I love this class!  I love the approach in teaching it.  I found it very helpful to listen to Mrs. Steffes' experiences and what she has found helpful.  She made learning in this class fun and involved us all.  She was positive and I feel that is how we should be as teachers.  Students learn from teachers they like and Mrs. Steffes is always pleasant and bubbly.  I enjoyed all of the resources that she shared with us.  I have saved some of the ones that I like the best to put into my teaching toolbox. This class didn't stress me out like some have.  I didn't procrastinate and dove right in to writing my lesson plans.  The weekly breakdown was helpful.

I found interesting the weekly discussion where she asked us to come up with words to use other that "tell" when talking to our students.  I love this graphic regarding that:

Image result for class reflections

I think the key to any class is to actively involve the students in engaging lessons.  Students will learn more and misbehave less.  I feel like time just flies  by to fast in this class where other classes I am counting the minutes until it is over! I love listening to everyone's lesson plans and approaches.  No two are the same.  We each bring our diverse backgrounds and experiences to the table.  Since I am much older than many of you, I love hearing the newer ways of doing things.  That is one of the things I do love about classroom observations, getting to see how teachers "teach" and manage their classrooms.  There are so many fun and engaging activities that can be incorporated into lesson plans.  I really feel that I am coming away from this class as a better teacher.  The assignments and discussions helped me to grow and understand the subject of language arts better.  What about you?  Do you feel like what you learned in this class has become a part of you and made you a better teacher?


  1. Absolutely, I feel something changes in my teaching style after every class and the more classes I take the better the changes. This is my second class with Mrs. Steffes and I love her teaching style. I can only hope that I will be half as good as she is when I have a many years under my teaching belt. I too am grateful of the experiences shared by Mrs. Steffes and everyone else in our class. Good luck Susan in all your endeavors!

  2. I also saved quite a few of the resources that were provided during this course. Dr. Steffes is a great teacher, this is my second class with her and I feel like I got so much out of both classes I have had with her. It is great when someone is able to share their experiences, both good and bad, in such an educational way. Good luck in the future!

  3. This was my first class with Dr. Steffes, and I am glad I had the opportunity to learn from her before I student teach! Like you said, she always has a great attitude and is very bubbly! That is something important we can all learn from her, to always have a good attitude and enjoy what you are teaching:)

  4. This was my 3 or 4th class with her and I never get tired of her. LOL. She's a great teacher. I agree with you Susan, we have so much to learn from each other and our diversity. I love that (I believe) diversity is completely on purpose and says so much about the Creator. Love it. I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn so much and grow as a teacher and person. I hope I get to meet you guys in person some day. That would be cool. ;)

  5. It's only 8 in the morning and I am blushing. Thank you for the kind words!!
