Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Image result for lesson plan writing

My mind is as foggy as the sky outside.  My textbook hasn't arrived yet so I was already freaking out about this weeks assignments. It is supposed to come by Fed Ex tomorrow so I am going to be burning the midnight oil reading the three chapters. The class did help to clarify many of the questions that I had about the assignment.  However, it also raised new questions.  I didn't realize that the unit plan would be broken down into parts to turn in.  Now I am panicking a little that next week the Scope and Sequence is due.  I haven't done that before.  I also didn't know that we would have to write out all of the standards for the year and then figure out where at in the year our lesson plan would be. My head is about to explode! I couldn't write down things fast enough, so I will have to go back and review the class recording. I do have my lesson plan started! Yeah!!!  I have all of the standards picked out for my unit and I have titles for all of my lesson plans.  Now I will just have to go back and copy all of the learning standards and then highlight the ones I chose to cover. Since we have to list 10 trade books, I may have to rethink my lesson plans.  For my lessons, I am reading several story books so those will count.  Most of my resources for my lessons come from the internet. I do have a few teaching resources from Scholastic that I may use.  I am a book hoarder. I should have listed that in my Two Truths and a Lie post.

 I love the website. The other website:, gave me some word center ideas for the group activities in my lesson plan.  I love all of the helpful things Mrs. Steffes provided for us in class.  I think this class is going to teach me a lot!  There are a lot of new faces in the classroom for me which is exciting!  I like to see and hear new ideas and thoughts. Everyone in my group is unfamiliar to me so I look forward to getting to know you better! The Two Truths and a Lie was a good icebreaker activity. I thought it was fun. I am anxious to pick Keiza's brain about all of the interesting places that she has lived. I like to talk a lot, which you will find out!!!  I also like to use a lot of visual aides.  Tonight my brain isn't functioning so I had a little bit of difficulty choosing my pictures for this post.  Normally, my posts have too many graphics, if there is such a thing!

Here is one of the stories from my unit plan, The Rough Face Girl by Rafe Martin. Can you guess what my unit is about?  Can you guess what grade level my unit is for based on what you know about the grade level standards?  Do you have any suggestions on this book?


  1. Hi Susan, I am loving your visual aids! I am a visual learner, so the more the better for me!

  2. Susan,
    What a great story! I loved listening to it, thanks for sharing it. The story reminds me of "Cinderella". Could you possibly be comparing and contrasting the Cinderella story across different cultures?

    I look forward to hearing more about your unit plan!

    1. Niki,

      You are correct!!! You win a pair of glass slippers!

  3. Susan, it is great that you have a start on your unit plan! I don't have a thing started on it yet. It sounds like you are incredibly detailed too, from what you said on my post. I wish I was as organized as you! I think the scope and sequence will be a bit time consuming but beneficial in that it will give us a better idea of what it takes to plan out a year as a teacher.

  4. The story did remind me of Cinderalla too because of the kindness of the father, and the cruelty and spoiledness of the two sisters. It was more interesting however. I liked it. I didn't like that the girl was changed though, because she was already beautiful. You know?

  5. Susan. Cinderella is MY ALL TIME FAVORITE STORY. Hands down.
