Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Two Truths and a Lie

Two of the following statements about me are true and one is a lie.  Can you guess which one is a lie?

I love to ride horses.
I like to stay up late.
I lived in North Carolina. 


  1. I don't think you like to stay up late. :)

  2. I am going to agree with Dr. Steffes and say you don't like to stay up late. I base this on the fact that I am asleep on the couch every night by 9:30 and it's hard to adult.

  3. I'm going to third that one. That's what I was assuming - that you don't like to stay up late. Maybe you're even a morning person?

  4. I am going to guess staying up late too. Most of us are too busy to stay up late!!

  5. I agree with the rest of our group, I don't think you stay up late. If you do, I want to know your trick to have that kind of energy and stamina!
